
Como lo oyes. Cincuenta sombras de Grey nació como un relato erótico basado en la saga Crepúsculo. De hecho, originalmente, los nombres de los protagonistas no eran otros que Isabella y Edward, protagonistas de la archiconocida novela vampírica. Cincuenta sombras nació como un escrito de fan fiction elaborado por fans (entre los que se contaba E.L. James) entre los años 2009 y 2011 al que podía accederse de forma gratuita en internet a través la página En esta web (y a través de su página oficial), la autora iba subiendo y poniendo a disposición de los fans de la saga Crepúsculo los diferentes capítulos conforme los iba acabando. Capítulos que finalmente acabarían conformando los tres libros que conocemos hoy en día como la trilogía de Cincuenta sombras. El nombre que la E.L. James le dio inicialmente a la saga fue Master of the Universe (MOTU) y la dirección de a través de la que podía consultarse la obra (ahora ya no es posible) era este. A petición de la editorial que adquirió los derechos de publicación del libro los relatos fueron retirados ante la posibilidad de que su existencia pudiera causar algún tipo de conflicto durante la comercialización de la novela. En Marzo de este año el New York Times anunció que la editorial que habría adquirido los derechos para publicar Cincuenta Sombras no era otra que The Vintage (Random House). Autora y editores crearon una readaptación de los escritos originales eliminando las referencias a la trama de la saga Crepúsculo y posteriormente rebautizaron la historia como Fifty Shades (que más acabaría traduciéndose al castellano como Cincuenta Sombras). El resto es historia; 40 millones de copias del libro vendidas en todo el mundo. Poco después de adquirir los derechos de publicación Vintage (Random House) afirmó que la saga de 50 Sombras era una obra completamente original cuyo contenido difería sustancialmente de los relatos de fan fiction conocidos como Master of the Universe. Para acallar posibles rumores Vintage se apresuró en emitir una declaración en la que certificaba la originalidad de la obra, al mismo tiempo que reconocía tener conocimiento de que Cincuenta Sombras habría nacido como una obra de fanfiction. La editorial afirmó que James habría aportado toda la información necesaria para demostrar que Cincuenta Sombras y los relatos de fanfiction eran en realidad dos obras independientes que habrían sido elaboradas de forma paralela. El comunicado era este:

Como numerosos informes lo indican, 50 SOMBRAS DE GREY, nació como parte de una obra de fanfiction llamada MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, cuya trama esta basada en la novela CREPÚSCULO de Stephenie Meyer, y que James (pseudónimo de Erika Leonard) publicó entre los años 2009 y 2011 en diferentes portales de internet, incluyendo y su propia página web. Cuando la autora firmó con Writers Coffe Shop, a principios de 2011, y acordó iniciar el proceso de publicación de sus novelas, James retiró sus obras de internet.

En una entrevista a Associated Press publicada por el Washigton post la autora defendió la originalidad de sus obras, postura que fue secundada por la editorial Vintage tal y como se puede apreciar en las declaraciones que desde esta se realizaron a los medios.

Vintage defendió que “Cincuenta Sombras” era una creación original elaborada por un apasionado grupo de seguidores. “Es ampliamente conocido que EL James empezó tener seguidores, como escritora, poco después de publicar su segundo relato de fanfiction”, dijo la vendimia en un comunicado. ”Ella tomó posteriormente esa historia y re-escribió la obra, con nuevos personajes y situaciones. Ese fue el comienzo de la trilogía de  ”Cincuenta sombras”. La gran mayoría de los lectores, incluidos los aficionados a fanfiction, han encontrado en “Cincuenta Sombras” una obra en la que poder inmersión y disfrutar.

No obstante, en contra de lo que afirma la propia editorial de los libros, en la comunidad de escritores y lectores aficionados al fanfiction es sobradamente conocido que  en realidad la saga 50 sombras nació bajo el nombre Master of the Universe. Los nombres de los protagonistas fueron substituidos así como algunos detalles como el color de ojos y el color del pelo, sin embargo el texto que conforma los tres libros de la trilogía 50 Sombras es en gran medida el mismo que contenía el fanfiction original Master of the Universe (MOTU).

Comparativa entre Master of the Universe y Cincuenta Sombras.

Para poder ver con nuestros propios ojos que tan parecidas o diferentes eran ambas obras decidimos procesar los textos de los dos relatos utilizando una serie de programas diseñados para evaluar la probabilidad de que una determinada obra no sea original y haya sido creada a partir de otra. Comenzamos la comparativa procesando ambos relatos en busca de similitudes en la frecuencia con la que aparecen determinados nombres. Finalizado el escrutinio obtuvimos el siguiente resultado. Via Yoshikoder, evaluamos que tan representativas eran las similitudes encontradas.

Palabra Apariciones en MOTU Apariciones en 50S % Normal MOTU % Normal 50S
swan 113 0 0,001731482 0
steele 0 148 0 0,001692744
Isabela 148 0 0,002267782 0
anastasia 0 217 0 0,002481929
rosa 212 3 0,003248445 3.43124E-05
kate 1 272 1.53229E-05 0,003110989
cullen 211 0 0,003233122 0
grey 12 267 0,000183874 0,003053802
christian 0 405 0 0,004632171
edward 281 0 0,004305722 0
bella 109 0 0,001670191 0
ana 0 135 0 0,001544057
esme 4 0 6.12914E-05 0
gracia 3 9 4.59686E-05 0,000102937


Diff Doc

Utilizando Diff Doc, podemos superponer ambos escritos en busca de frases repetidas. En letras normales aparecen las coincidencias,  en rojo las desviaciones incluidas en Master of the Universe y en verde las palabras utilizadas en Cincuenta Sombras. A continuación os mostramos el resultado de comparar el comienzo del capítulo dos:  Double crap – me and my two left feet!  I am on my hands and knees in the doorway to Mr Cullen’s Mr. Grey’s  office, and gentle hands are around me helping to pull me upto stand.  I am so embarrassed, damn my clumsiness. I have to steel myself to glance up. Holy Crowcow –  he’s so young…  young. “Miss Hale… Kavanagh.”  he extends a long-fingered hand to meme  once I’m stood. upright.  “I’m Edward Cullen. Christian Grey.  Are you all right? Would you like to sit?”  He’s so young… young –  and attractive. attractive,  Very attractive. He’s  Tall, dressed in a fine grey gray  suit, white shirt and black tie with unruly bronze dark copper colored  hair and intense, bright green gray  eyes that regard me shrewdly.    “Err… actually,” It takes a moment for me to find my voice, and voice.    “Um. Actually-”  I think my mouth has plopped open in astonishment. mutter. If this guy is over thirty then I’m a monkey’s uncle… uncle. In a daze,  I extend place  my hand to him in a daze, his  and we shake. As our fingers touch touch,  I feel a strange current go an odd exhilarating shiver run  through me. I withdraw my hand hastily, andembarrassed. Must be static.  I can feel myself blinking… blink  rapidly, my eyelids matching my heart rate.



Utilizando esta utilidad se escrutó el texto de Cincuenta Sombras de forma similar a como se procesan los trabajos de los estudiantes en algunas universidades. Se examinó Cincuenta Sombras como si fuera la redacción elaborada por un estudiante y se comparó contra el escrito del que presuntamente podrían haberse obtenido el texto, esto es el relato de Master of the Universe (MOTU). De acuerdo con Turnitin, el índice de similitud fue del 89%. Se puede apreciar como hay partes enteras del texto en las que sólo  fueron modificados los nombres. Puedes hacer click en la imagen para ver el extracto. En rojo se muestra el texto coincidente en ambas piezas.

Turnitin comparison


Comparación textual

Para esta otra comparativa hemos escogido, de forma aleatoria, diferentes párrafos de las versiones originales en inglés de la trilogía Cincuenta Sombras y de MOTU. A continuación se muestra una selección de alguno de estos extractos.


Cincuenta Sombras de Grey

MoTU I Fifty Shades of Grey
There‘s a knock at the door and Blond Number Two enters. “Mr Cullen, forgive me for interrupting but your next meeting is in two minutes. There’s a knock at the door, and Blonde Number Two enters. “Mr. Grey, forgive me for interrupting, but your next meeting is in two minutes.
As I leave the city limits behind me I begin to feel foolish and embarrassed. Surely I‘m over-reacting to something that I‘m imagining…. Okay, so he‘s very attractive, confident, commanding, so at ease with himself. But on the flip side he‘s also arrogant, and in spite of his impeccable manners, he‘s very autocratic, and cold… well on the surface, and an involuntary shiver runs down my spine. He may be arrogant but then he‘s accomplished so much at such a young age, and I can tell he doesn‘t suffer fools gladly, why should he? I am irritated again that Rose didn‘t give me a brief biography. As I leave the city limits behind, I begin to feel foolish and embarrassed as I replay the interview in my mind. Surely, I’m overreacting to something that’s imaginary. Okay, so he’s very attractive, confident, commanding, at ease with himself – but on the flip side, he’s arrogant, and for all his impeccable manners, he’s autocratic and cold. Well, on the surface. An involuntary shiver runs down my spine. He may be arrogant, but then he has a right to be – he’s accomplished so much at such a young age. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly, but why should he? Again, I’m irritated that Kate didn’t give me a brief biography.
“What about our arrangement?””We don’t have an arrangement yet.”He narrows his eyes at me, then seems to remember himself. Releasing my hand, he takes my elbow and leads me out of the room. “This conversation is not over,” he whispers threateningly as we enter the dining room. Oh crapola, don‘t get your panties in such a twist… and give me back mine. I glare at him.The dining room reminds me of our private dinner at the Heathman. A crystal chandelier hangs over the dark wood table and there‘s a massive, ornately carved mirror on the wall. The table is laid and covered with a large linen table cloth, a bowl of pale pink peonies as the centre piece. It‘s quite stunning, and then I remember Edward mentioning that Esme was an interior designer. “What about our arrangement””We don’t have an arrangement yet.” He narrows his eyes, and then seems to remember himself. Releasing my hand, he takes my elbow and leads me out of the room. “This conversation is not over,” he whispers threateningly as we enter the dining room. Oh, crapola. Don’t get your panties in such a twist… and give me back mine. I glare at him.The dining room reminds me of our private dinner at the Heathman. A crystal chandelier hangs over the dark wood table and there’s a massive, ornately carved mirror on the wall. The table is laid and covered with a crisp white linen tablecloth, a bowl of pale pink peonies as the centerpiece. It’s stunning.
Edward, embarrassed or frustrated by the lavish attention I‘m receiving from the remaining Cullens, grabs my hand and pulls me to his side.”Well let‘s not frighten her away or spoil her with too much affection,” he grumbles.”Oh Edward, stop teasing.” Esme scolds him indulgently, her eyes glowing with love and affection for him. Somehow I don‘t think he‘s teasing. I surreptitiously watch their interaction. It‘s obvious Esme adores him, with a mother’s unconditional love. He bends and kisses her stiffly. Christian, embarrassed or frustrated by the lavish attention I’m receiving from the remaining Greys, grabs my hand and pulls me to his side.”Let’s not frighten her away or spoil her with too much affection,” he grumbles.”Christian, stop teasing.” Grace scolds him indulgently, her eyes glowing with love and affection for him. Somehow, I don’t think he’s teasing. I surreptitiously watch their interaction. It’s obvious Grace adores him with a mother’s unconditional love. He bends and kisses her stiffly
The apartment is achingly empty and unfamiliar. I have not lived here long enough for it to feel like home. I head straight to my room and there, hanging limply at the end of my bed, is a very sad deflated helicopter balloon. Echo Charlie, looking and feeling exactly like me. I grab it angrily off my bedrail, snapping the tie, and hug it to me. Oh, what have I done? I fall onto my bed, shoes and all, and howl. The pain is indescribable… physical, mental, metaphysical… it is everywhere, seeping into the marrow of my bones. Grief, this is grief, and I‘ve brought it on myself. Deep down, a nasty unbidden thought comes from my inner goddess, her lip curled in a snarl. The physical pain from the bite of a belt is nothing, nothing compared to this devastation. I curl up, desperately clutching the flat foil balloon and Taylor‘s handkerchief, and surrender myself to my grief. The apartment is achingly empty and unfamiliar. I have not lived here long enough for it to feel like home. I head straight to my room, and there, hanging limply at the end of my bed, is a very sad, deflated helicopter balloon. Charlie Tango, looking and feeling exactly like me. I grab it angrily off my bedrail, snapping the tie, and hug it to me. Oh – what have I done? I fall onto my bed, shoes and all, and howl. The pain is indescribable… physical, mental… metaphysical… it is everywhere, seeping into the marrow of my bones. Grief. This is grief – and I’ve brought it on myself. Deep down, a nasty, unbidden thought comes from my inner goddess, her lip curled in a snarl… the physical pain from the bite of a belt is nothing, nothing compared to this devastation. I curl up, desperately clutching the flat foil balloon and Taylor’s handkerchief, and surrender myself to my grief


50 Sombras más oscuras

MOTU I 50 Shades of Darker
I have survived Day Two Post Edward, and my first day at work. It has been a welcome distraction. The time has flown by in a haze of new faces, work to do and Mr. James Smith. He smiles down at me, his dark blue eyes twinkling, as he leans against my desk.”Excellent work, Bella. I think we‘re going to make a great team.” He beams at me, knowingly.Somehow, I manage to curl my lips upwards in a semblance of a smile. I have survived Day Three Post-Christian, and my first day at work. It has been a welcome distraction. The time has flown by in a haze of new faces, work to do, and Mr. Jack Hyde. Mr. Jack Hyde… he smiles down at me, his blue eyes twinkling, as he leans against my desk.”Excellent work, Ana. I think we’re going to make a great team.”Somehow, I manage to curl my lips upward in a semblance of a smile.
I awake with a jolt. My head is fuzzy and I am too warm. Edward is wrapped around me. He grumbles in his sleep as I slip out of his arms, but he doesn’t wake. I sit up and glance at the radio alarm… three in the morning. I need an Advil, and a drink. I swing my legs out of bed and make my way up the hallway towards the great room.In the fridge I find a carton of orange juice and pour myself a long glass. Hmm… it’s delicious, and my fuzzy head eases immediately. I awake with a jolt. My head is fuzzy and I’m too warm. Christian is wrapped around me like a vine. He grumbles in his sleep as I slip out of his arms, but he doesn’t wake. Sitting up I glance at the alarm clock. It’s three in the morning. I need an Advil and a drink. I swing my legs out of bed and make my way to the kitchen in the great room.In the fridge, I find a carton of orange juice and pour myself a glass. Hmm… it’s delicious, and my fuzzy head eases immediately. I hunt through the cupboards looking for some painkillers and eventually come across a plastic box full of meds. I sink two Advil and pour myself another orange juice.
He chuckles mirthlessly, then winces. Fuck, his ribs. Still sore from the swift kicking Cullen’s henchman delivered. He replays the scene in his mind.”You fucking touch Miss Swan again, I’ll fucking kill you.” That c___ will get it good, too. Yeah – get what’s coming to him.He settles back in the car seat. Looks like it’s going to be a long night. He’ll stay and watch and wait. He takes another toke of his Marlboro red. His chance will come. His chance will come soon. He chuckles mirthlessly, then winces. Fuck, his ribs. Still sore from the swift kicking Grey’s henchman delivered. He replays the scene in his mind.”You fucking touch Miss Steele again, I’ll fucking kill you.” That m__f__ will get it good, too. Yeah—get what’s coming to him.He settles back in his seat. Looks like it’s going to be a long night. He’ll stay, watch, and wait. He takes another toke of his Marlboro red. His chance will come. His chance will come soon.


50 Sombras liberadas

MOTU II 50 Shades of Freed
I stare up through gaps in the seagrass parasol at the bluest of skies, Mediterranean blue… I can‘t help my contented sigh. Edward is beside me, stretched out on a sun lounger. My husband – my hot, beautiful husband, shirtless and in cut-off jeans – is reading a book predicting the collapse of the Western banking system. By all accounts it‘s a page-turner… I haven‘t seen him sit this still, ever. He looks more like a student than the hotshot CEO of one the US‘s top privately owned companies. I stare up through gaps in the sea grass parasol at the bluest of skies, summer blue, Mediterranean blue with a contented sigh. Christian is beside me, stretched out on a sun lounger. My husband—my hot, beautiful husband, shirtless, and in cut-off jeans—is reading a book predicting the collapse of the Western banking system. By all accounts it’s a page-turner; I haven’t seen him sit this still, ever. He looks more like a student than the hotshot CEO of one the top privately owned companies in the United States.
“You confound me, Mrs Cullen,” he murmurs.”Confound you?” He shifts so that we‘re face to face.”Yes. You. Calling the shots. It‘s… different.””Good different? Or bad different?” I reach up and trail a finger over his lips. His brow furrows, as if he doesn‘t quite understand the question. Absentmindedly he purses his lip to kiss my finger. “You confound me, Mrs. Grey.””Confound you?”He shifts so that we’re face to face. “Yes. You. Calling the shots. It’s… different.””Good different? Or bad different?” I reach up and trail a finger over his lips. His brow furrows, as if he doesn’t quite understand the question. Absentmindedly, he purses his lips to kiss my finger.
“Well, fact is I saw it when your BlackBerry fell out of your jacket. While I was undressing you because you were too drunk to undress yourself. Do you have any idea how much you‘ve hurt me, going to see that woman?”He pales momentarily but I‘m on a roll, my inner bitch unleashed. “Do you remember last night when you came home? Remember what you said?” He gazes at me, green eyes blazing hot, the rest of his face frozen.”Well, you were right. I do choose this defenseless baby over you. That‘s what any loving parent does. That‘s what your mother should have done for you. “Well, fact is I saw it when your BlackBerry fell out of your jacket while I was undressing you because you were too drunk to undress yourself. Do you have any idea how much you’ve hurt me by going to see that woman?”He pales momentarily, but I’m on a roll, my inner bitch unleashed. “Do you remember last night when you came home? Remember what you said?”He stares at me blankly, his face frozen. “Well, you were right. I do choose this defenseless baby over you. That’s what any loving parent does. That’s what your mother should have done for you.
“So you want to play?” he murmurs.”Yes.” He says nothing, and I risk a quick glance… up his jeans, his denim clad thighs, the soft bulge at his fly, the open button at the waist, his happy trail, his navel, his chiseled abdomen, his chest hair… his green eyes blazing, and his head cocked to one side. He‘s arching an eyebrow. Oh shit.”Yes what?” he whispers.Oh. ”Yes, Sir.”His eyes darken and my breath hitches.  ”Good girl,” he murmurs, and he caresses my head. “I think we‘d better get you upstairs, now,” he adds. My insides liquefy and my belly clenches in that delicious way. Oh I love this man: my husband, my lover, father of my child, my sometimes Dominant… my Fifty Shades. “So you want to play?” he murmurs. “Yes.”He says nothing, and I risk a quick glance . . . up his jeans, his denim clad thighs, the soft bulge at his fly, the open button at the waist, his happy trail, his navel, his chiseled abdomen, his chest hair, his gray eyes blazing, and his head cocked to one side. He’s arching an eyebrow. Oh shit.”Yes what?” he whispers.Oh. ”Yes, Sir.”His eyes soften. “Good girl,” he murmurs, and he caresses my head.  ”I think we’d better get you upstairs now,” he adds. My insides liquefy, and my belly clenches in that delicious way.  He takes my hand and I follow him through the apartment and up the stairs. Outside the playroom door, he halts and bends and kisses me gently before grasping my hair hard.“”You know, you’re topping from the bottom,” he murmurs against my lips.“What?” I don’t understand what he’s talking about.

El epílogo de Cincuenta Sombras parece haber sido redactado completamente desde cero y relata aspectos del libro que no aparecen por ninguna parte en el fanfiction original. Por otro lado el primer y segundo libro de Master of the Universe (MOTU) contiene varias escenas adicionales a las que nunca se hace mención en la trilogía de 50 sombras..



La editorial, Vintage, afirma que MOTU y 50 Sombras, “eran y son dos obras literarias distintas e independientes”. Sin embargo, por su parte, los datos que arroja Turnitin permiten ver que ambas novelas coinciden en un 89%. Tras el éxito de la obra de fanfiction Alternate Universe (AU), y la más exitosa aún si cabe adaptación y salida al mercado literario de la obra cuyas ventas han supuesto unos ingresos de más de 1.000.000 de dolares, el género fanfiction vive sus momento más álgidos. Todo esto abre un nuevo debate sobre los supuestos bajo los cuales una editorial debería y no debería poder utilizar una obra creada por una comunidad de entusiastas de la escritura para crear y comercializar obras literarias. Por nuestra parte seguiremos atentos a todo lo que vaya sucediendo en el apasionante mundo del fanfiction.


Libro Master of the Universe (MOTU)

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